Sunday, November 2, 2008


Amber was a pretty butterfly and Logan (since you probably can't tell) was a caterpillar.
Both kids trick or treated, and they LOVED it! Logan got the gist really quickly and he would run up to the doors with his open palm outstretched.So cute!

Both kids with their stashes! Notice how it was bedtime, and yet they were both chowing on candy.


Diana said...

REEEEEEN!! I can't believe how cute they are!!! I LOVE the pictures. Amber is gorgeous! She really looks so grown up and so pretty! And Little Logan is adorable!!!
Your amazing homemade halloween costumes put my store bought one to shame. I am so impressed! How did you make those wings?

it's just lisa said...

so cute. i love those kids. Amber is so pretty.

Sarah Walton said...

Their costumes sure turned out cute!! I'm glad Logan was so into it!