Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween 2011

Another fun Halloween! Amber was "The Butterfly Queen." Logan was a Ninja. And Ella was (appropriately) an angel.

I was a devil to match Ella. (We tried to take the sucker out of Ella's mouth for the picture, and this is what happened.)

The Stash pictures!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Really Looking Like a House!

These pictures were taken yesterday (October 13th.) As you can see, it's really coming along! The kids love visiting "the house." We do almost every single night! Amber and Logan play in their future rooms. It's like a giant play house. :)

This last picture is the view of our house as you enter the neighborhood.

The Second Floor starts!

Very, very exciting as they began to add the second floor! You can see other kids in the pictures. That's because our house is quite the hopping spot in the neighborhood. ;) Several times we've driven by to see different people wandering around inside. I guess you can't blame them for wanting to check out the new construction.


We were VERY excited when framing began. At last, it was starting to look like a house!

Foundation and Floor

At the very beginning of October, they laid the foundation, and put up the floor.

It's so interesting to see this picture, because you can see that it looks SO much smaller than the framed house seems now. When they first laid they concrete, we were pretty worried that the house would be too small. Then they put the floor on, and we were relieved, but it's just funny to think how much bigger it seems now.

The Lot

In mid September, excavation began on our new house! It started off as a big hole in the ground.